As 2020 comes to a close, I am excited to think about our 2021 goals. We have a lot going on this year and I am so excited.
Goal #1
Our #1 Goal is to pay off of all our debt except our mortgage in 2021. We started with about $106,000 in debt and have about $22,000 left. I won’t go into details here, but we use a mix of Dave Ramsey’s snowball method and a bit of The Budget Mom’s cash envelope system/sinking funds method. This year, we should be able to tackle our remaining debt. Our ultimate goal is to become 100% debt free.
Goal #2
Lead a more simple life. Living a more simple life to me is getting back into cooking as much as possible from scratch, as well as other factors. I currently work outside of the home 45 hours a week and sometimes our meals are not as homemade as I want. I am bound and determined to do better in 2021. Our health depends on it! You can read about our quest for a more simple life HERE.
Goal #3
Grow as much food as possible and what we can’t grow, get from local farmers first. Avoid the store as much as possible. Two years ago, we went 3 months straight with only going to the grocery store once. I only went to pick up my husband’s almond milk, as he is lactose intolerant. I am going to strive to grow and preserve even more this year. We have a lot of local farms. We already get our beef and pork in bulk once a year, but will be expanding even more this year.
Goal #4
Grow even more in the Market Gardens this year. We struggled with our soil quality last year. It was probably one of the worst gardening years we have had. We started doing some amending to our soil starting in the fall of 2020, so I have high hopes for 2021. For 2021, I found a local compost company that has excellent reviews. I even have a friend who gets compost from them each year and they love them. We will be purchasing a dump truck load or two from them in the spring. This should help our soil and in turn, help our plants grow and be healthy.
Goal #5
Two blog posts a week, regardless of what is going on in life. I am going to complete the projects and document them weekly. With working outside of the home full time, it has been difficult some weeks to get two done a week. A few weeks, I was only able to get one done and that was a stretch. This goal will be one that stretches me and requires me to plan ahead and follow that plan.
Goal #6
Grow and process our own meat chickens. This goal is very iffy if we will be ready for it or not. But, I will add it just in case, as it has been on my mind for a few years now.
2021 Goals: What i want to add to our farmstead this year
There is a few supplies we want to add to our farmstead this year. A grain mill, long term food storage container systems and a new food saver machine. Each year I choose an item or two that I want to work towards saving up for. If 2020 taught me anything, it is to be prepared. I need to up my game in 2021! Honestly, who knows how this next year is going to be.
Overall, we will not complete all of these goals this year, as some are very ambitious. I like to think about things that I can work towards and gives me a sense of purpose. Even if we do not complete all, but we start working towards them in 2021, we will be moving forward.
What are a few of your goals for 2021? Is there anything you are working on accomplishing or something you are working towards?
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